1. Waldemar Swierzy - Jimi Hendrix poster - 1974
2. This piece was most likely done to advertise Jimi as a rock n roll artist. Possibly for an upcoming event in which he was preforming or perhaps for an album release.
3. The record company may have hired the artist to create the poster if it was for an album release, or for a tour. Or if it was exclusive to one venue, then the venue may have commissioned the artist to create the poster as well.
4. The audience would be anyone that enjoys some good ole rock n roll and some face melting solos. most likely teens and younger adults from that decade. maybe a few older folks who still partake in certain "herbal activities."
5. The message of the piece is probably something like: "Hey! rock n roll is awesome and wild! Just look at these crazy brush strokes and bright blue colors. You don't see colors like this on some wimpy country album. Now put on some bell bottoms and you're tie die shirts and a few dozen scarves and lets get down!"
6. The goal would be to get all the bell bottom wearing hippies to come buy the new album, or buy tickets to the show. In some cases, even come buy this poster to hang on their bedroom wall, or in their "den" under a black light. It would basically boil down to being a promotional poster to raise money for the record company and artist.
7. I think it works really well. Its definitely attention grabbing. The representation of Jimi is very abstract. He obviously isn't blue and made of squiggly lines (except his hair of course) but you can still easily tell who it is. In fact, it makes me want to go listen to some Hendrix right now. It reminds me of the song purple haze a little bit, even though its done in blue.
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